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At DQB Strategies, we want you to understand your marketing strategy - whether you create it yourself or you get help. Each of our blogs will help you understand more about the pillars you need to have in your marketing strategy.

photo of women with hands to her temples feeling overwhelmed

Back to the Basics: We went from a 4BR 🏡to a 37-foot RV

July 16, 2024•2 min read

“When you’re a solopreneur and everything (including your marketing!) falls to you, this is what you must do!” - Danielle Bornowski

Have you ever felt so completely overwhelmed that you just wanted to close your eyes, shake your head, and make all the noise go away? There’s so much advice out there to help you grow your business but trying to follow it all would take 40 hours a week - time you don’t have to dedicate solely to marketing.

A few years ago, my family and I moved out of our home and into an RV while our new house was built. When we did so, we had to cut through the noise of our belongings and get super clear on what we needed and how we were going to make each thing fit. It was tough, but once we got down to the basics, we were able to manage just fine and live comfortably for 18 months.

When you’re a solopreneur and everything (including your marketing!) falls to you, you have to do the same thing.

Here’s how to distill things down and focus on the four critical components of your marketing strategy to be both effective and manageable:

1. Clarity on your audience and your offer - if you don’t know what you’re selling and to whom, you’ll end up wasting your time marketing to the wrong audience.

2. A lead generator - this helps establish your empathy, authority, and collects their contact info (which you need for the third and fourth components!)

3. Nurture plan - People don’t want a sales email in their inbox every day, but they do want to develop meaningful relationships with the people they do business with.

4. Sales strategy - Even though they don’t want to be sold to constantly, you do have to ask for the sale occasionally.

Take some time to cut through the noise of marketing advice. Do you have these four critical components in place in your business? If not, start at the top of the list and take them one piece at a time.

Helping people find clarity is my favorite thing to do. Book a time for a clarity session.

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