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Blog title with Instagram colors as the background and a direct messaging icon (mail and arrow)

Engage With Your Audience With DMs

November 11, 20232 min read

Potential customers have to know, like, and trust you before they’ll do business.

We talk a lot about “engaging with your audience” on social media, but what does that mean? 

Potential customers have to know, like, and trust you before they’ll do business. Engaging with them on social media is one way that you can engage with your followers and target audience to cultivate a relationship and build the know, like, and trust factor. Today we’re going to focus on engaging with your audience in your Instagram DMs. 

When someone follows you on Instagram, you see a notification on the heart in the top right corner of your feed. When you click that heart, you can see your new followers, choose to follow them, and click their handle (name) and see their profile. From there, click the “message” button and send them a message. You can make this your own, but here are some examples: 

“Hi there, thanks so much for the follow! I’d love to know more about your business and how you got started.” 

“Hi there, thanks for the follow! Do you [insert common practice in your industry] or [insert practice that aligns with how your business can make theirs better]?”
(i.e.: Do you handle social media in-house or is that something you’ve outsourced?) 


“Hi there, thanks for the follow! Tell me about your dream [insert product/service-related question]?” 

(i.e.: Tell me about your ideal back porch) 

Not everyone will respond, but those who do will open a conversation for you to start to develop the know, like, and trust factor. Additionally, it’ll give you insight into your target audience – what questions they have, what they’re interested in, and what their desires are. This is great feedback to help you make decisions about catering your business to the wants and needs of your target audience. It’s a win-win! 

Go set a timer for 15 minutes and send DMs to your most recent followers!

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