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Are you emailing your audience?

July 09, 20242 min read

“When a founder shares their favorite times to pull a specific product off the shelf, it helps to educate their customer and increase sales.” - Danielle Bornowski

I talk a lot about the importance of having a lead generator to collect email addresses so that you can contact your audience. 

I was on a coaching call with a client and asked if she had email addresses. She told me she did but didn’t know what to do with them. Does that sound familiar? 

Here are some of the ideas we talked about for using those email addresses:  

  • Announce a new product she’s launching and ask for referrals for the new product - I shared that she should share exactly who this new product is for and then ask the direct question “Who do you know that would benefit from this product?” 

  • Ask for reviews - Reviews are incredibly rich information that help you understand your audience more, provide content for your marketing, and add to your credibility as a business. If you need help asking for a review, here’s my toolkit for asking for reviews.  

  • Share tips for optimized success. Have you ever purchased something only to realize way later that you were using it incorrectly? Or that instead of one way to implement, there are actually 6? When the founder shares her favorite times to pull a specific product off the shelf, it helps to educate her customer and increase sales. 

Your marketing strategy should include a combination of nurture and sales emails, but if you’ve never emailed your people before, start with one of these emails. And then email them again in a week or two. And then again. Pretty soon, you’ll be emailing weekly like a pro! 

Need help figuring out your ratio of nurture to sales emails? Grab time on my calendar and we’ll figure out the right balance!

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