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Why Entrepreneurs Should Focus on Selling First, Not Aesthetics

August 13, 20242 min read

“If you know someone who’s launching a new product, service, or business, encourage them to skip all the pretty things and jump straight to selling.” - Danielle Bornowski

I cringe when I hear a small business owner say they’re starting a business and the first thing they’re doing is creating their logo, business card, and website.

Most people aren’t super clear on their offer, their audience, or their messaging, which are the critical components of an effective brand and website, so the work they put into that logo, business card, and website are usually 95% inaccurate 3 months later.  

When I first started my business, I had NO IDEA what it was going to be. I spent weeks holed up in my office creating a brand that had nothing to do with my business, a website that had a bunch of words I copied from other companies and meant nothing to me or my ideal audience (because I didn’t know who that was!). 

I wish I had skipped that step, started developing relationships with people, written my name and number on a napkin, and started doing the work to figure out what the work was. 

If you know someone who’s launching a new product, service, or business, encourage them to skip all the pretty things and jump straight to selling. They don’t need a website to send people to. They need to identify the problem their target audience is experiencing, introduce their product/service as the solution, and tell them how to sign up. 

Then they can learn about their ideal customer and make money to pay for the pretty things :) 

To your success, 


P.S. If you (or someone you know) needs help defining the offer, audience, or messaging, I’d love to help. Click here to schedule a clarity session.

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